නිර්වාණ ධර්ම බ්ලොග් අවකාශය | Nirvana Dhamma BLOG

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"මෙය “නිර්වාණ ධර්ම“ වෙබ් අඩවියට සමගාමීව ඔබ වෙත ලබාදෙන බ්ලොග් අඩවියයි! මෙසේ අවස්ථාවන් රැසක් තුලින් සත්ධර්මය කැටිකොට ලබාදෙන්නේ අතිශයින්ම බුද්ධිමත් සැබෑම මිනිසුන් වෙත පමණයි! ඔබේ ආගම ජාතිය කුලය තත්ව තානාන්තරය කුමක් වුවත් සැබෑම මිනිසෙක් ලෙසින් ප්‍රයෝජනයට ගෙන යහපත, සැබෑ සතුට, සැනසීම උදාකරගැනීම පිණිස “නිර්වාණ ධර්ම“ වෙතින් වෙන් වන අවකාශයයි!“
"This is the BLOG of "Nirvana Dhamma" web site which is Strictly for Human beings only! No matter what your status in this world is, No matter what you believes on, No matter what your religion is, Only matter is that whether you are a human being or not to gain the maximum benefits through all these efforts!"

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The losing treasure

Even the blessed one did not want to preach the Dhamma or guide beings, those who are stubborn and gets angry when something is said... Samma Sambuddha warned that the disciples also should not preach such beings!

So, don't forget that if someone tells you that be hurry to realize the eternal truth or be hurry to liberate without being delayed, that means they are already walking in the path of liberation. They have almost at the end of endless journey of Samsara. They have no more attachment or desires... Catering to the selfish & arrogant beings is far away from them...
BUT... if you are honest and truely dedicated to for the true liberation, then the Kalyana Mithra is ready to give all the guidance they can!
But are we ready?
Are we even capable of recognizing the great treasure that can eliminate all kinds of sufferings in our existence?

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