When this question asked by a Bhikku our greatest Lord Samma Sambuddha given a really a perfect answer…
Before mention the answer of Lord Samma Sambuddha, I will give a easiest way to remind this… it is like a puzzle and we can solve it through Lord Samma Sambuddha’s answer.
This also said by our greatest Lord Samma Sambuddha;
When someone follow 01 thing he will gain 3 things… when that 3 things complete he or she complete 4 things… by completing that 4 things… he or she gain 8 things… once that 8 things complete we gain 7 things… once that 7 things complete we achieved 01 thing!
Now let’s solve the puzzle!
Let’s solve this from end to beginning which is easier to understand and let me explain this with the answer given by Lord Samma Sambuddha!
"My Lord, Can you please tell me the fastest way to achieve Nirvana?"
Lord Samma Sambuddha:
"Dear Bhikku, You should complete 7 Bojjhanga"
(The 7 factors of enlightenment which are 01) Sati Sambojjhanga - Awareness or mindfulness for Dharma | 02) Dhamma Vicaya Sambojjhanga - Dharma investigation or revising the Dharma | 03) Preeti Sambojjhanga – rapture gain through Dharma | 04) Passaddhi Sambojjhanga – Relaxation or feeling of lightness of both body & mind through Dharma | 05) Viriya Sambojjhanga – The effort or energy gain through Dharma | 06) Samadhi Sambojjhanga – concentration gain through Dharma | 07) Upeksha Sambojjhanga – the high calmness gain through a mind filled with Dharma & this is happening at the last point before achieving Nirvana)
"My Lord, Can you please tell me the fastest way to complete 7 Bojjhanga?"
Lord Samma Sambuddha:
"Dear Bhikku, You should complete the greatest 8 Fold Path"
(Samma Ditti – correct view | Samma Sankappa – correct intention | Samma Wacha – correct speech | Samma Kammantha – correct actions | Samma Aajeewa – livelihood | Samma Wayama – correct effort | Samma Sathi – correct mindfulness | Samma Samadhi – correct concentration)
"My Lord, Can you please tell me the fastest way to complete 8 fold path?"
Lord Samma Sambuddha:
"Dear Bhikku, You should complete 4 Satipatthana"
(The Four foundations of awareness or mindfulness which call 01) Kayaanussati - Mindfulness of the body | 02) Vedanaussati - Mindfulness of feelings | 03) Cittaanussati - Establishment mindfulness of mind (or consciousness) | 04) Dhammanussati - Mindfulness of mental objects)
"My Lord, Can you please tell me the fastest way to complete 4 Satipatthana?"
Lord Samma Sambuddha:
"Dear Bhikku, You should complete 3 Sucarita"
(The Good Conduct in BODY, SPEECH & MIND which gain through by gets rid of 10 defilements. GOOD CONDUCT OF BODY – get rid of 01) Killing / Homicide | 02) Stealing / Theft | 03) Unchastely / Adultery | GOOD CONDUCT OF SPEECH – get rid of 04) False hood / lie | 05) Back bite / being a talebearer (tell someone’s bad things or what they said to others when that person is not around…) | 06) Harsh words/ Churlish words | 07) Nonsense words / jabbering | GOOD CONDUCT OF MIND – get rid of 08) Craving / Desire | 09) Hatred / ill-will | 10) Ignorance)
"My Lord, Can you please tell me the fastest way to complete 3 Sucarita?"
Lord Samma Sambuddha:
"Dear Bhikku, You should complete Indriya Bawana / Indriya meditation"
(Being awareness in each second of our life for what we grab or catch through our Indriya which we can call ‘senses or abilities’ and being consciousness for what we grab through 5 body parts and mind’ – 1) Eye / Chakku, 2) Ears / Sotha, 3) Nose / Gana, 4) Tongue / Jivha, 5) Body / Kaya, 6) Mind / Mano and get rid of Desire (Raga), Hatred (Dwesha) & Ignorance (Moha) is call Senses Meditation or Indriya Meditation)
So till I explain these each steps one by one with more details, I request everyone to remind the fastest way to attain Nirvana.
Following 01 will get 03 – 03 will give 04 – 04 will give 08 – 08 will give 07 – 07 will give the ultimate 01 & only Nirvana!
May you all understand the path of Nirvana & achieved the ultimate Goal!
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