As long as you desire for pleasurable nice forms, sounds, fragrances, tastes, touches & thoughts you are about to have another set of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body & mind. That’s the cause & effect… it’s true that the pleasure is so entertaining… but think about the objects you are going to gain to enjoy that pleasure… the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body & mind will never stay as the way you want… your hope is for a beautiful clean eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body & mind… but they get into dirt everyday… and no matter how hard you earn the comfort for those objects they just seek for more… they never say “enough” never get the feeling “complete” of course they will give you the feeling “enough for this moment” but not forever… not even for a few days or few years… sometimes not even for few hours… no matter how long your eyes enjoyed a pleasant form they will look for more… no matter how long your ears entertained with nice sounds but whenever a nice song comes they will ask to listen… they will again seek for entertainment… this entertaining process never ends until you make your decision through understanding.
You did the same entertaining process in the past… and doing the same process again now… and will do the same process in future too… AREN’T YOU FED UP? There will be a moment which you will get the understanding about reality through your own wisdom… by that moment you will get the feeling of destroying your mouth which said once “oh! Before attaining nirvana we have to live this life fully”…
You did the same entertaining process in the past… and doing the same process again now… and will do the same process in future too… AREN’T YOU FED UP? There will be a moment which you will get the understanding about reality through your own wisdom… by that moment you will get the feeling of destroying your mouth which said once “oh! Before attaining nirvana we have to live this life fully”…

As long as you have a hope of entertaining your eyes that expectation will cause to give you the effect of EYES. As long as you get the eyes you will have to go through the suffering… no matter how many times you clean them it will get dirt continuously… no matter how you wish for a healthy eyes they will get sicknesses… no matter how you wanted to have beautiful eyes they will get decay and wrinkled with lesser vision… no matter how you want to see the pleasant form through those eyes you will still have to go through the evil bad worst unpleasant forms too… as long as you will get those eyes you will burn… you will burn with the expectation to protect them… you will burn with the expectation to handle & controlling them as the way you want… and through a burning eyes you will only see burning forms and the ultimate result is you always have to have a burning mind too…
Same process come to you through the ears, nose, tongue, body & mind… they will not behave the way you want… they will never satisfy the way you treat them… so you will have to burn with them continuously till you get the decision of cooling.

This body will die one day and rotten in a disgusting way
The bones will decay and buried under this earth
Those who cheat with so call beauty of this collection are nothing but fools
When one get rid of this collection through the wisdom
The bones will decay and buried under this earth
Those who cheat with so call beauty of this collection are nothing but fools
When one get rid of this collection through the wisdom
One will achieve the real peace with true happiness!
These forms may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the eyes which arise to gain that pleasure of forms are not so pleasurable or entertaining!
These sounds may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the ears which arise to gain that pleasure of sounds are not so pleasurable or entertaining!
These fragrances may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the nose which arise to gain that pleasure of fragrances are not so pleasurable or entertaining!
These tastes may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the tongue & mouth which arise to gain that pleasure of tastes are not so pleasurable or entertaining!
These touches may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the body which arises to gain that pleasure of touches is not so pleasurable or entertaining!
Above five are with the same quality and will burn you to the max… so what to describe about the 6th one which depend on such burning 5? You get your own answer about the 6th one call mind too.
When you believe in a world which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that world! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this world, I don’t need this world”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a country which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that country! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this country, I don’t need this country”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a village or town which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that village or town! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this village / town; I don’t need this village / town”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a nation / race which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that nation / race! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this nation / race; I don’t need this nation / race”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a team of people which is so comfortable and good to be with them that cause to give you the birth among them! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need these people, I don’t need these people”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
Ignorance cause to give you eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body & mind and the protect the world you expected, ignorance will guide you to enjoy the world you expected, ignorance will guide you to be apart of the world you expected and ignorance will guide you to fight for the world you expected… some how ultimate truth is that the ignorance cause to give you the suffering with the things you desired for expected for. As long as there is world… the end of that world is also there. As long as there is a end of the world the fear will comes to you. You will have to burn through the fear of losing the beloved ones… beloved world of your own… fear of losing the things you protected for many years… fear of losing your own treasures which you created through your own mind… as long as you are part of the world you will have to fight to protect your share… you will burn continuously because you are a part of a world which have possibilities to break, dissolve & destroy… anyone can break, dissolve & destroy it… so as long as you wish for a such breakable, dissolvable, destroyable the uninvited flames & suffering will find you and will burn you!
So think before wish… think before fight… think before burn… think before you gather to increase your share… think before you entertain… think before you use your own mind, body & words… think while you use your body, mind & words… think after you used your mind, body & words how you use them… as long as there is desire & hatred of those words, actions & thoughts there will be ignorance too… as long as ignorance is there the suffering also will exist… as long as the suffering exist you are far far away from the true happiness and real peace!
These sounds may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the ears which arise to gain that pleasure of sounds are not so pleasurable or entertaining!
These fragrances may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the nose which arise to gain that pleasure of fragrances are not so pleasurable or entertaining!
These tastes may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the tongue & mouth which arise to gain that pleasure of tastes are not so pleasurable or entertaining!
These touches may so pleasurable and so entertaining… but the body which arises to gain that pleasure of touches is not so pleasurable or entertaining!
Above five are with the same quality and will burn you to the max… so what to describe about the 6th one which depend on such burning 5? You get your own answer about the 6th one call mind too.
When you believe in a world which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that world! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this world, I don’t need this world”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a country which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that country! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this country, I don’t need this country”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a village or town which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that village or town! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this village / town; I don’t need this village / town”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a nation / race which is so comfortable and good to be with that cause to give you the birth as a part of that nation / race! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need this nation / race; I don’t need this nation / race”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
When you believe in a team of people which is so comfortable and good to be with them that cause to give you the birth among them! There is no use of ignoring the effect by saying “I don’t need these people, I don’t need these people”. You will have to come across all the troubles, sufferings, all the evilness and goodness among them as the cause is already done. As long as you have the cause to get the effect you will get the effect without a doubt!
Ignorance cause to give you eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body & mind and the protect the world you expected, ignorance will guide you to enjoy the world you expected, ignorance will guide you to be apart of the world you expected and ignorance will guide you to fight for the world you expected… some how ultimate truth is that the ignorance cause to give you the suffering with the things you desired for expected for. As long as there is world… the end of that world is also there. As long as there is a end of the world the fear will comes to you. You will have to burn through the fear of losing the beloved ones… beloved world of your own… fear of losing the things you protected for many years… fear of losing your own treasures which you created through your own mind… as long as you are part of the world you will have to fight to protect your share… you will burn continuously because you are a part of a world which have possibilities to break, dissolve & destroy… anyone can break, dissolve & destroy it… so as long as you wish for a such breakable, dissolvable, destroyable the uninvited flames & suffering will find you and will burn you!
So think before wish… think before fight… think before burn… think before you gather to increase your share… think before you entertain… think before you use your own mind, body & words… think while you use your body, mind & words… think after you used your mind, body & words how you use them… as long as there is desire & hatred of those words, actions & thoughts there will be ignorance too… as long as ignorance is there the suffering also will exist… as long as the suffering exist you are far far away from the true happiness and real peace!
So May the WISE people examine this through their own mind! May they achieve the greatest bliss of true happiness through that wise examination!
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